NAS Sketch Team Search
I can't believe that the current team's term is almost over. It has been a delight getting their creations every week. Thank you all so much for taking precious time to create for my website.
I am looking for dedicated design team members for a term running from March 2011 - August 2011.
You will be required to submit at the very least 2 out of 4 sketches per month. More often than not, the sketches are given to you 1- 1 1/2 months in advance. There's plenty of time to complete them. You only have to do one side of the two pagers, if that's what you desire. Also, if you want to submit an application JUST for Two Pagers, that's great! Each layout is due the Sunday before it gets posted.
Also, your layout MUST resemble the sketch. I have to be able to tell that you started using that week's sketch. You can flip it, add photos, change where the title goes, etc.
Each new DT member is required to promote this challenge blog wherever/whenever allowed.
Most of all, Have FUN!!!
If you feel you can meet these requirements, please submit a layout, along with your information, based on the sketch below to . I look forward to seeing what you create :)